Friday, March 6, 2009

Opening - Thoughts on Sizing - Current Projects


I've gotten my first wave of clothing posted up at the site, Any Other Name. I'm pretty proud of my replacement/repair policy - if you buy something from me, I want that item to always be there for you. I also like repairing things anyway, so this way I get a little extra challenge and fun. Everything is one of a kind - I'm really too ADD to commit myself to making any more than one or two of a given garment, not to mention I have a large stash of <3yd chunks of fabric, which makes exact replication impossible.

The debut at the Seattle Steampunk Party II was exciting. Photos can be seen here, taken by the lovely Amber Clark. I look forward to making her some clothing, as she's expressed dismay at the lack of steampunk clothing in her dimensions!

This brings up an interesting point about the sizing in my shop. As some of you may have noticed, the clothing in my store is entirely made for females, and small ones at that. I started sewing in order to have clothing that fits my skinny little butt, and it's hard to break out of that habit. As I create clothing for people of more varied sizes, expect copies of those items to show up in the store.

I'm currently working on turning a large denim shirt into a cute hooded top for myself. If this works, I'll make more of the same with upcycled shirts from the local thrift store.

Happy shopping!

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